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A couple, newly arrived from Holland
quickstepped exquisitely around the room executing complicated corners that
made us giggle. A young Italian man arrived wearing eau-de-cologne and a
designer suit. An English family, misunderstanding Australian tradition made
everyone laugh when they presented their empty plate at the supper table. Mr.
Giglia played his piano accordion and Mrs Boyanich donated an iced cake from
Boans for the raffle. Multiculturalism? We didn’t know it existed. The Last Day But the
chairs were still there. They were ranged in rows around the edges of the
‘little kids’ room. The whole school sat in this rectangle with Miss Loaring
and Mr. Rose standing in the middle. “Who wants to go to Kalamunda next year?”
Mr. Rose asked us. Not one hand went up. “Whose parents want you to go to
Kalamunda then?” He went on in his deep growly voice. Only one boy was brave or
honest or stupid enough to put up his hand. We all groaned.
Article: Lee Conway (Nee Doyle)
Copyright : Gordon Freegard 2008 - 2023